Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Greendale Crematorium Approved by JRPP 28 April 2011

The JRPP (Joint Regional Planning Panel)has approved the Greendale Crematorium at 992 Greendale Rd Greendale.
The decision was made last Thursday 28 April in a manner which could only be decribed as a sham.

The Panel failed to consider submissions from residents and in an arrogant way dismissed attempts by the Council panel members (2 Councillors) to defer the decision until additional information was provided.

The three Goverment appointed members on the panel displayed an attitude arrogance before a large gathering of community members.

All residents were limited to 3 minutes each to make presentations. A resident who was critically affected by the proposal asked for extra time and was refused. The Town Planner representing the community was cut of after 3 minutes and was unable to complete his presentation.
Many residents have made official complaints to the JRPP. The Premier has been contacted by numerous members of the community.
The performance of the JRPP was described by many as unacceptable.

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